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Uncollected Children policy

We expect all children to be picked at the time the child is supposed to be picked up. If this does not occur we will assume an emergency has caused the delay and we will start our procedure for the child to be collected unless the parent contacts us well before or in time

This is our policy to keep children safe when they are in our care

  1. After 10 minutes, attempt to contact the main parent or carer will be made on the phone number that the parent has provided.
  2. If parent is not contactable by phone, then a voice message will be left on the main parent's or carer's answer machine. This will be followed up with an SMS message to the main parent's or carer's phone
  3. After 1 hour, an attempt to contact the emergency number(s) the main parent or carer has given us will be made. If emergency number(s) are not contactable by phone, then a voice message will be left on their respective answer machines. This will be followed up with SMS messages to all the emergency contact number(s).
  4. After 2 hours, Social Services will be contacted on 020 8430 2000.
  5. All during this time, the child will be reassured at all times and offered activities to take the child's mind off any distress.
  6. We will remain on the premises and the child will not be left alone.
  7. The child will be made comfortable by offering food and a place to rest

If there is anything in this policy that you are unclear about or unhappy with, please email us or contact us

Contact us today! or register your child with us.

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